What is the process of Teflon paint construction
  • 2024-06-06 17:07:56
  • مشرف

First: the treatment of the substrate

First, the substrate (aluminum, stainless steel or other metal substrate) is baked at high temperature (360℃×30 minutes ~380℃×10 minutes) to carbonize the grease or degreaser cleaning for the first step of degreasing.

Step 2: Roughening the surface

Available corundum sand 80#~120#, pressure 0.4~0.6mpa, sandblasting, so that the surface roughness of the substrate is :(2.0~3.5)μm

Third: the spraying of Teflon primer

Teflon primer must be fully rolled or mixed slowly with stirring blades before use (note: Do not use the shear blade to stir at high speed, otherwise it will destroy the structure of the paint and make the Teflon paint deteriorate), fix the treated substrate, and adjust the spray gun pressure to (0.2~0.3)mpa with (1.0~1.5) mm. Distance (20 to 30 cm, concentrate spray directly, use (120 ~ 160 ℃) x (8 ~ 15) minutes, table dry film thickness for 10 ~ 15 microns.

Fourth: Teflon coating

Teflon paint must also be fully rolled or slowly stirred with stirring blades before use, and the work piece that has been coated with the base oil can be cooled to room temperature (30-50 ° C is generally recommended). With a spray gun nozzle with a diameter of (1.0~1.5)mm, the pressure is adjusted to (0.2~0.3)mpa, the distance is (20~30)cm, the direct liquid spraying, drying at (120-150)℃×(5-8) minutes, sintering at 380℃×10 minutes, the total coating film after sintering is (20~25)μm.

The most common problems are:

Sintering is not sufficient, either the temperature is not enough, or the time is not enough, the surface of the baked workpiece is white, affecting the adhesion, and the physical property of the Teflon coating will be reduced. Excessive sintering will also make the coating performance deteriorate, so please be careful about construction

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